The Future of the North Sea: Implementing your Digital Road Map

Tuesday 29th November – Wednesday 30th November

COVID – 19 has impacted all our lives and the way we operate; it has had the biggest impact across energy sector combined with Russia’s war on Ukraine severely impacting the European energy supply. It is paramount now the UK must look at look at exploration opportunities within a cost effective way while pushing new energy resources and opportunities to decarbonise.

The North Sea Energy sector needs a fundamental shift into the digital age. In the face of a rapidly evolving technological landscape, developing game changing digital solutions, re-evaluating existing operating models, and utilizing data to transform exploration efforts, have been brought to the forefront of industry discussion.

As digital transformation expands its reach across the industry, bringing with it digital drilling and production technology, operational efficiency, data-driven operating models, opportunities in subsurface CCS storage, distributed ledger solutions, lower per barrel production costs and revolutionized supply chains, now is the time to transform your business model and embrace the full benefits that the digital oilfield has to offer.

The Future of the North Sea: Implementing your Digital Road Map, will serve as a platform to navigate this rapidly evolving digital landscape, bringing together CEOs, CIOs, VPs of Operations & Production, Heads of IT, Engineering Solutions & Advanced Analytics Directors and Asset Managers, with investors and innovators.

Session 1 What Should your Next Digital Steps be?
Digitalisation has been the industry buzzword for the last 3 years. This session will address next steps for actually implementing digital transformation. The session will hear from different operators with a focus on how they plan to implement their digital strategy, and how such efforts can enhance operations moving forward.

9.25 Chair opening address
9.30 Stephen Ashley, Head of Offshore Energy 4.0. Net Zero Technology Centre
9.50 David Lecore, Head of Data Services and Compliance, North Sea Transition Authority,
10.10 Audrey Terry, Head of IT Client Services, Neptune Energy
10.30 Main Sponsor
10.50 Q&A
11.00 Coffee & Networking Break

Session 2 Big Data & Advanced Analytics
As the industry strives to become more productive, efficient, safe and reliable, the adoption of advanced analytics and big data is becoming increasingly prominent. With possibilities for improving operational processes across the energy value chain, including exploration, production, storage, processing and distribution, advanced analytics and big data provide a wealth of promise for the industry. This session will consider the new generation of analytics and big data which is serving to enhance operational efficiency, alongside saving time and money. Discussion will also consider how cross-collaboration between sectors can enhance this and what security protocols need to be put in place to make this possible.

11.45 Case Study
12:05 Kate Rose, Chief Digital Officer, British Geological Survey
12:25 Case Study
12:40 Halliburton Case Study
13:05 Lunch & Networking

Session 3 Digital Twins” & Asset Management
The dawn of the “Digital Twin” is one of the most ground-breaking solutions to emerge from the digital transformation movement. “Digital Twins”, namely a virtual model of a physical asset, are increasingly becoming a business imperative. Covering the entire lifecycle of an asset, digital twins can be used to optimize business outcomes, accurately predict results, reduce risk, improve productivity, and provide a foundation for other connected services or products. This session will address the latest developments within “digital twin” technologies, alongside the benefits of utilizing such technologies as an asset management strategy.

14:05 Chair opening address
14:10 Halliburton Case Study
14.30 Case Study
14:35 Panel Discussion How Can Digital Twins improve the performance of your asset?
Vicky Coy, Head of Innovation Projects at Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
Paul Armitage Subsurface Manager, Alpha Petroleum
15:10 Case Study
15:35 Coffee & Networking

Session 4 Cyber Security & Risk Management
Alongside the countless solutions brought by digital transformation, the transition to a digital industry also brings with it a number of associated risks. One of the most pressing challenges facing the industry to date is cyber security. This session will address risk management for transitioning to a digital business. Key themes will include protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats, encouraging security awareness across the industry, employing digital technologies without causing risk to operations, data protection & ensuring critical information remains secure, trusting machine-driven operations, and developing robust control systems to combat cyber vulnerabilities.

15:50 Rob Turner, Principal Consultant, Yokogawa.
16:15 Panel discussion new age new problems and how to mitigate any cyber security risks
Donna Henderson, Senior Project Manager Cyber Security, BEIS
Rob Turner, Principal Consultant, Yokogawa.
16:55 Conference end

Day 2

Session 1 The Journey to Automated Operations with Robotics & AI
This session will showcase and discuss how to connect robotics, M2M learning, AI & AR. Discussion will focus upon how such emerging technologies emerging across the market and their impact upon the industry. The session will look at how all technologies can enhance operations in the North Sea, how to effectively implement these technologies and process across your business to enhance productivity across several key business areas, and cost efficiency. The session will also discuss the challenges faced and how to overcome different obstacles as you look to implement these new technologies across your operations.

9:25 Chair opening address
9:30 Kris Kydd, Head of Robotics R&D, Total
9:50 Case Study
10:10 Dr Lyuba Alboul, Senior Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University
10:30 Case Study
10:50 Q&A
11:00 Coffee & Networking Break Morning break
11:45 Case Study
12:05 Dr. Adam Stokes, ORCA Co-Investigator, University of Edinburgh
12:25 Case Study
12:45 Esther Diederen Digital Transformation Lead, Spirit Energy
13:05 Q&A
13:15 Lunch and Networking

Session 2 Blockchain: Distributed Ledger Solutions & Supply Chain Optimisation
The arrival of digitalisation has opened doors to new solutions for supply chain optimisation: Blockchain, a distributed digital ledger, is one such solution offering potentially game-changing solutions to the industry. Blockchain offers a wealth of applications for any exchange, including agreements & contracts, payments, tracking, and record keeping, with parties from across the supply chain. This session will take an in-depth look at Blockchain and its potential for implementing digitalisation across the value chain. Discussion will include strategies for transitioning to Blockchain, simplifying processes across the supply chain, possibilities for improving transaction speeds, reducing operating costs, greater transparency & efficiency, removing the need for third party data hubs, streamlined operations, and adapting to work under a digital model.

14:15 Chairs opening address
14:20 Case Study
14:40 Cristina Mata Yandiola, Head of Europe, Powerledger
15:00 Case Study
15:20 Q&A
15:30 Coffee & Networking

Session 4 Future Workforce Implications
The advent of the digital age has ignited a shift towards the future oil and gas workforce. With digitalisation rapidly re-shaping the industry, ensuring the right capabilities are in place to deliver new business models poses a key challenge moving forward. This session will address the future workforce needed to successfully support the adoption of a digital oil and gas industry. Discussion will include future workforce implications, balancing the mix of engineers & data scientists, training models moving forward, strategies for attracting a new technologically focused generation, and managing this shift internally.

15:45 Gemma Buxton, Director Mobility Services & Benjamin Oghene, Director Digital Services Lead PWC
16:10 Panel discussion How will digitisation will change the dynamics of your workforce?
Gemma Buxton, Director Mobility Services & Benjamin Oghene, Director Digital Services Lead PWC Patrick Rickles, Head of Digital Skills & Innovation, North Sae Transition Authority
16:45 End of conference


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