Belltree leads the way in carbon capture technology with new bMark™ software.

Belltree leads the way in carbon capture technology with new bMark™ software.

EDINBURGH, 16 March 2023Belltree Ltd, the leading provider of data-driven technology solutions to the upstream energy industry, is diversifying its services to meet the decarbonised demands of the future. 

The company is launching bMark™>CCS module to its ground-breaking bMark™ software that will deliver a data-driven Carbon Storage project benchmarking solution to assist in site selection for carbon storage projects.

Over the last decade, CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere has risen from 393 parts per million (ppm) to 414 ppm. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), which removes CO2 from the atmosphere and stores it underground, is gaining momentum as a means to reduce emissions and meet global climate goals.

By pairing proven data-driven approach which has informed and empowered oil & gas industry leaders for the last 8 years with brand new global data sets, Belltree will allow its customers to assess the potential of carbon storage sites in a step toward achieving global Net Zero targets.

Applying data derived insights, the bMark™>CCS module informs decision makers as to the risks, costs, and suitability of a subsurface reservoir for carbon storage. In doing so, it allows operators to identify low risk, high potential sites that can be proposed for development.

There are currently around 35 commercial facilities actively applying carbon capture to industrial processes, fuel transformation and power generation, with a further 300 projects in various stages of progress. bMark™>CCS will prove vital in the development of future CCS projects.

Rod Clark, MD and founder of Belltree, commented:

“Belltree is committed to supporting sustainable development in the energy sector and is leading the way in CCS project benchmarking to meet the demands of the climate challenge.”

“Utilising advanced subsurface evaluation, Belltree’s new bMark™>CCS module accurately identifies the suitablility of potential carbon storage sites, calculates resources and estimates risk within the global context of lessons learned from the energy industry. In doing so, we seek to empower decision makers in the implementation of carbon storage projects and to help them to achieve their Net-Zero targets.”

The new module is expected to be launched in Q2. You can request a demo of the bMark™> CCS module through Belltree’s website now.

About Belltree

Belltree is the leading software provider, strategic consultancy and benchmarking firm for the upstream oil and gas sector.

Backed by 15 years of global industry experience, Belltree’s engineers, geologists and data scientists specialise in digital transformation to maximise upstream asset performance and unlock the potential of hidden reserves in a sustainable manner.

A trusted partner to government regulators, NOCs and IOCs, Belltree is playing a crucial role in harnessing the potential of data to support key decision makers and drive industry efficiency.

Technical assurance given at Final Investment Decision

Greenfield oil development offshore Mexico; 1500MMstb in place

  • bMark™ helped identify twelve (12) key producing analogues, in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Data analytics & benchmarking performed on the reservoir data. Production profiles, recovery factor forecasts & development plan supporting the FID case
  • Insights supported the FID mid-case plan & forecasts, whilst also provided guidance on areas for further modelling & sensitivity analysis.

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