Explore our interactive world map to discover our global services and completed projects. Hover over any dot to learn about our distinct contributions in each region. Uncover our achievements and innovative solutions across Europe, the North Sea, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Australia. This map serves as your gateway to understanding our impact and success in the energy sector.

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Learn more about bMark™ 

Technical assurance given at Final Investment Decision

Greenfield oil development offshore Mexico; 1500MMstb in place

  • bMark™ helped identify twelve (12) key producing analogues, in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Data analytics & benchmarking performed on the reservoir data. Production profiles, recovery factor forecasts & development plan supporting the FID case
  • Insights supported the FID mid-case plan & forecasts, whilst also provided guidance on areas for further modelling & sensitivity analysis.

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