Discover the Power of Upstream Analytics in Oil and Gas: Maximising Performance

Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, the largest conventional oil field in the world

Imagine you’re trying to navigate through a thick fog with only a basic map. The fog represents the uncertainty and lack of clear information in the oil and gas industry. Now, picture global data benchmarking as a powerful, high-definition radar system that cuts through the fog. Just as the radar reveals obstacles and clear paths, global data benchmarking provides you with clear, comparative insights that help you make well-informed decisions, navigate uncertainties, and optimize your strategies effectively.

The oil and gas industry is witnessing a data-driven revolution, with upstream analytics playing a pivotal role. Today, companies that leverage advanced analytics can see up to a 20% increase in exploration efficiency and a 15% boost in production rates (Source: McKinsey & Company, *Digital Transformation in Oil & Gas: The Case for Change*, 2022). This transformation is not just about keeping pace with technology; it’s about gaining a competitive edge and optimizing every aspect of operations.


Key Benefits of Upstream Analytics

  1. Exploration Efficiency: Advanced upstream analytics significantly enhance exploration efforts by examining geological data to identify hydrocarbon-rich areas. Predictive models and machine learning reduce exploration risks and costs, leading to more successful drilling ventures and better resource allocation.


  1. Reservoir Management: Upstream analytics provide deeper insights into reservoir characterization, optimizing extraction processes, and predicting reservoir behaviour. This leads to extended field life and improved recovery rates.


  1. Operational Optimization: By streamlining reservoir and field management operations, analytics reduce boost overall operational efficiency. Real-time data analysis ensures that operations are running smoothly and effectively.


Production Forecasting: Accurate forecasting of production rates through upstream analytics allows companies to plan operations and manage supply chains more effectively. This foresight helps in minimizing downtime and maximizing output.


Benchmarking and Improving Field and Reservoir Performance:


One of the most impactful uses of upstream analytics is in benchmarking and enhancing field and reservoir performance. By harnessing comprehensive data, companies can:

  • Data-Driven Benchmarking: Compare field and reservoir performance against industry standards or peer operations. This involves analyzing historical production data, efficiency metrics, and reservoir characteristics to pinpoint underperforming areas.
  • Performance Improvement: Benchmarking against top-tier operations helps identify performance gaps. For instance, if a reservoir is underperforming, analytics can reveal whether issues stem from well placement, pressure maintenance, or other inefficiencies.
  • Optimization Strategies: Once gaps are identified, analytics guide the implementation of optimization strategies, such as refining drilling parameters or adopting new recovery technologies. Continuous tracking ensures that these strategies deliver sustained improvements.


bMark: Enhancing Your Analytics Capabilities

For companies looking to elevate their upstream analytics efforts, bMark offers cutting-edge solutions designed to maximize the potential of your data. With a focus on delivering actionable insights and advanced analytics tools, bMark helps you benchmark effectively, optimize performance, and stay ahead in a competitive industry. By integrating bMark’s analytics capabilities into your operations, you can drive efficiencies, improve production outcomes, and achieve unparalleled operational excellence.

Upstream analytics is a game-changer in the oil and gas sector, offering substantial benefits in exploration, production, and performance improvement. Leveraging this powerful tool not only enhances operational efficiency but also positions companies to excel in a rapidly evolving industry landscape.


Technical assurance given at Final Investment Decision

Greenfield oil development offshore Mexico; 1500MMstb in place

  • bMark™ helped identify twelve (12) key producing analogues, in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Data analytics & benchmarking performed on the reservoir data. Production profiles, recovery factor forecasts & development plan supporting the FID case
  • Insights supported the FID mid-case plan & forecasts, whilst also provided guidance on areas for further modelling & sensitivity analysis.

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