
belltree experience
Proud to Join Belltree

Meet the team! “Enjoying my experience at Belltree, engaged in Energy transition projects”

When/Why I joined Belltree, my job role & what I enjoy the most?  I Joined Belltree in November of 2021. Working at Belltree has given me a great opportunity to further my passion to work in the energy sector. I work as a data analyst; maintaining and updating both our global Co2 Emissions database and...
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Technical assurance given at Final Investment Decision

Greenfield oil development offshore Mexico; 1500MMstb in place

  • bMark™ helped identify twelve (12) key producing analogues, in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Data analytics & benchmarking performed on the reservoir data. Production profiles, recovery factor forecasts & development plan supporting the FID case
  • Insights supported the FID mid-case plan & forecasts, whilst also provided guidance on areas for further modelling & sensitivity analysis.

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