At Belltree we support and practice equality, embracing diversity which is reflected strongly across our expert team. In this “Meet our Team” session, Rhona- a Reservoir Engineer at Belltree- highlights the importance of the inspirational women in leadership who have positively impacted her. Here, she discusses her role, her remit and expectations.

Rhona supports the Upstream global consultancy and energy transition projects @Belltree. She leverages the power of bMark™, the premier choice for operators and regulators worldwide who seek to optimise energy reserves, amongst other value-adding processes and workflows. Therefore, we thought highlighting this brief interview would provide some useful insight as to our business culture.

When/Why I joined Belltree, my job role & what I enjoy the most?

I joined Belltree just over 4 months ago in a reservoir engineering position. I work primarily on delivering technical work in the consultancy team, but what I enjoy and most interested me about joining this size of business, is the ability to be involved in multiple facets of the business and contribute to its growth. Whilst working on interesting global projects, I touch on business development including energy transition projects, which really excites me about the future of the industry and of the contribution Belltree is already making.

What is it like to be a woman in the industry?

Engineering education and roles remain daunting to many women, especially at the start of their careers. It is something you are conscious about through every decision, interaction and piece of work you do. It is unfortunately not something that is completely out of the picture, but throughout my career I’ve been fortunate to work with many exceptional, supportive people, and have had several female role models who have empowered me to become more confident about my place in the industry.

Relevance of Energy Transition, what does the future look like?

The energy transition is inevitable and extremely essential for so many different reasons. But, it is also a challenging and a formidable prospect for most. Many factors have contributed to a stunted progression of technology clearly required to drive change globally. I believe it’s a key responsibility for those in roles with transferable knowledge and skills to contribute – lend time and expertise to make the transition as smooth and swift as possible. This is fundamental at Belltree, who are striving to apply classical reservoir engineering, subsurface risking and data utilisation expertise to create meaningful new product developments in the Carbon Capture and Storage space.

Why data is important in the Energy sector? What is the inspiration surrounding our projects?

Data is incredibly useful. Oil and Gas is a mature industry, there is infinite data which should be applied to inform high-risk decision-making. Belltree, through our bMark™ software, leverages subsurface and production data to provide meaningful answers meeting with industry challenges, and to remove the pitfalls of bias.

#Inspiringwomen #womeninleadership #bmark #belltreediversity #Belltree#Wearebelltree #Experts #predictiveanalytics#energytransitionteam #energytransitionsolutions#womeninenergytransition

Technical assurance given at Final Investment Decision

Greenfield oil development offshore Mexico; 1500MMstb in place

  • bMark™ helped identify twelve (12) key producing analogues, in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Data analytics & benchmarking performed on the reservoir data. Production profiles, recovery factor forecasts & development plan supporting the FID case
  • Insights supported the FID mid-case plan & forecasts, whilst also provided guidance on areas for further modelling & sensitivity analysis.

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