Leading energy consultancy launches innovative branding, new headquarters & services

As the leading provider of data-driven technology solutions to the upstream energy industry, Belltree is continuously innovating to meet the needs of the global market. As a forward-looking company, we are constantly seeking ways to respond to the evolving needs of our clients and emerging markets.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the world looked a lot different. And, as an organisation Belltree also changed its approach.  In 2022, we decided to review our brand identity to reflect a renewed focus and reflect what has become a more dynamic and exciting business.

Working with the branding agency Genoa Black, Belltree’s senior management team set out to create a new brand identity that would capture the attention and inspire a global audience of industry regulators, national operating companies and independent energy companies.

One of the first steps taken was to embrace a bold new colour palette to reflect the ambitions of our growth and development plans. Vibrant, confident colours were introduced to reflect our innovative and agile approach to responding to customer needs. Striking colour accents were employed across the branding for bMark, our specialist solution that enables businesses to maximise energy reserves.

We released our new brand look and feel across all of our communication channels to reinforce our mission to stand out in the marketplace. The timing of the rebranding coincided with a reopening of business globally following the pandemic, with the return of face-to-face meetings, and in person events.

Our rebrand also correlated with the exciting opening of our new office in the heart of Scotland’s capital. Belltree’s Edinburgh headquarters are centrally located by Waverley Station, which connects the city to every corner of the country with a direct route to London. Our offices are bright and spacious creating a conducive working environment, including open plan and co-working areas with great acoustics. The new office is all about collaboration and provides a forum in which new ideas can flow and thrive.

Kitted out with all the essential tech, the Belltree boardroom is designed for us to carry out business around the world, working effectively within all key international time-zones as if we were in the same room.

The Belltree team is encouraged to work flexibility, with a hybrid model being adopted. Nonetheless, we have found our consultants are keen to come into the new office as it allows for a much better collaboration and creative environment. It has also been extremely well received by clients and business partners who appreciate being able to work together in person!

We look forward to doing business with our existing clients and new customers in this exciting new era. Talk to us about our innovative approach and new solutions.

Technical assurance given at Final Investment Decision

Greenfield oil development offshore Mexico; 1500MMstb in place

  • bMark™ helped identify twelve (12) key producing analogues, in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Data analytics & benchmarking performed on the reservoir data. Production profiles, recovery factor forecasts & development plan supporting the FID case
  • Insights supported the FID mid-case plan & forecasts, whilst also provided guidance on areas for further modelling & sensitivity analysis.

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